Friday, August 28, 2009

Free Hugs

Every once in a while I watch this youtube. It reminds me all over again that hugs are great! They connect us and comfort us. They are warm and happy.
Have we become possibly a bit distanced or distractedly hurried to seize the moment and give a hug?
I recently met a friends boyfriend and after a brief introductory exchange she told me that he was going to give me something that I already felt coming - - a hug! It seems he hugs everyone he encounters and it comes naturally and without thought.
Was I surprised by his hug because really we did just meet?
It made me think - who wrote the unwritten hugging guidelines? And, why was I following them?
Freeing myself to hug . . .
Hugs are Free!

"Sometimes a hug is all that we need."
   [from the youtube follow up]